*To protect identities, images are not specific to the stories and names may be changed.
Lucy’s Journey to The Social Switch Project:
When Lucy finished college she felt lost and unsure of what direction to take in life. Her friends were going to University, but she wanted to follow her passion for creating content and began to search for entry-level roles in marketing and advertising.
Unfortunately, she did not receive any of the positions she applied for, often receiving emails informing her that she was unsuccessful with no specific feedback.
Lucy found our Digital Skills & Employability Programme through social media. She was keen to join so she could develop skills relevant to the work she was looking for.
Finding Lucy Support:
Lucy had some previous working experience and although the roles were not directly relevant to marketing she certainly had some transferable skills. It was a case of teaching her how to better showcase those skills and tailor her CV, job applications, and cover letter specifically to the roles she was applying for.
Lucy gained additional skills for the digital industry whilst on the course, through both classroom instruction and taking on practical tasks both individually and as a team. Through Q&A sessions with special guests, she was able to gain more professional insights into the reality of the market, the challenges she may face, and how real professionals have overcome such instances in their own journeys.
Lucy gained key exposure to real-life working situations relevant to the marketing and advertisement industry. Working with a team she delivered a brilliant final project which was well-detailed, and engaging, and presented it to an audience (clients).
After graduating from the programme, Lucy and her careers coach reviewed different marketing job descriptions so they could identify which roles were best suited for her. Lucy’s careers coach was then able to forward her the most relevant opportunities for her to apply to. Lucy then practiced mock interviews, rehearsing generic and industry-relevant questions to boost her confidence and help her feel prepared.
Lucy felt she needed some further education and skills to secure work so we provided her access to a premium editing software and an online course to help her get up to speed quickly, whilst also receiving further accreditation.
Lucy had the right aptitude and potential to achieve the goals she had set. The programme and the careers coaching helped Lucy to make herself stand out in a crowded market. Using the skills she learned during the programme she no longer faced rejection and was able to secure a marketing apprenticeship for herself.
Find Out More:
Learn more about our Digital Skills & Pre-Employability Programme here